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These are some textbooks that I found helpful, or that were recommended to me by friends and professors.

  1. Thermodynamics: Foundations and Applications E.P Gyftopoulos, and G. P. Beretta
  2. The Dynamics and Thermodynamics of Compressible Fluid Flow A. H. Shapiro
  3. Elements of Gasdynamics H.W Liempann and A. Roshko
  4. Physics of Shock Waves and High Temperature Hydrodynamic Phenomena Y.B Zel’dovich and Y.P Raizer
  5. Viscous Flow F. M. White
  6. Fluid Mechanics L. D. Landau and E.M Lifshitz
  7. Boundary Layer Theory H. Schlichting
  8. Space Mission Analysis and Design J. Wertz
  9. A Practical Guide to SysML Alan Moore, Rick Steiner, and Sanford Friedenthal
Textbooks | Notes